Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The most beautiful girl in the world!

So I totally have the most beautiful little girl EVER!!! No offense to other moms but you knowwe all feelthe same bout our kids:) Pictures were done by a friend Will. AWESOME GUY!!!!! With really great talent and puppy dogs too!

Ok Update on he house situation......The owner excepted our offer now we are waiting for the bank to except. Scary!!!!! Not the whole owning a home but leaving my home :( I have lived with my grandmother since my parents divorce 24 years ago! How am I going to leave her????? I asked her to move to VA from CT with me but with her health and all of her doctors being there she on't leave. My brother sister mother father I can leae because I know they will visit and I will o home too but my niece and nephew and my grams are going to be the HARDEST to leave! My gram is EVERYTHING to me!!!!!!!!!!! and she ADORES Layla! so much so that if she so much as whines, she says its my fault and to hnd her over :) But I haveto leave, I have to grow up, I have my own family now n they come first. this is gonna be sooo hard!

As for Layla, we are going to ave to leave behind the AMAZING doctors that she has and start all over again! Can't I just ake everyone with me? or drive the 8 hours home to CT for Doctorsappointments? is that too crazy? yeah ok so t is a little nutty but I relly like these people and they have been soooo great with not only taking care of the most importan little being in my life but they have also help me keep my sanity by being sooo understanding and relatable with everything that comes along with a williams syndrome diagnosis. Even her Pediatrician said "it sucks tht your moving away". UGH! only an 8 hour drive! Just have to keep telling myself that!

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